Jiřina Lockerová

Každé lidské bytosti byly dány dvě kvality: SÍLA a DAR. Síla člověka vede k setkání se svým osudem, jeho dar ho zavazuje dělit se s ostatními o to dobré, co je v něm. Člověk musí vědět, kdy má použít svou sílu a kdy svůj dar.

Paulo Coelho

Úvodní motto mých stránek, které je provází již několik let, jsem se rozhodla ponechat také u nové verze mé prezentace. A to právě proto, že jsem si uvědomila, jak se – osud i dar – začaly na mé cestě propojovat.

Propojování pozoruji také u mojí profese – ilustrátorky a malířky. Zpočátku jakoby stály proti sobě – ve smyslu praktickém i výrazovém. Ilustrace, které mě živily, neboť byly prací zadanou nakladatelem a obrazy, kterými se vyjadřovala duše, byly tvorbou svobodnou. To vše začaly propojovat SYMBOLY.

Při tvorbě symbolů – esencí, meditačních karet a mandal – v komunikaci s duchovním prostorem – vyslanou myšlenkou, textem či záměrem, přijímám seslaný vhled či informační energii, kterou přebírá zručnost ruky držící tužku, pastelku nebo štětec a spojením všech zkušeností se snaží přenést a předat dál seslaná poselství…

Ateliér AJEN – www.ajen.cz

NEBE NA ZEMI – video

Jiřina Lockerová ak.mal.

I was born in 1957 in Brno. Since childhood my interest in drawing and painting was supported mainly by my father, who excelled in the craft of engraving. I continued studying at the Secondary School of Decorative Arts in the field of graphics with Professor Dalibor Chatrný and then at the Academy of Arts in Prague (1977-1984), where I graduated in the field of illustration and applied graphics.

Then, with my family, I lived in Prague for 20 years and have created illustrations for poetry, magazines and especially for many titles of educative and children’s books (e.g. booklets Young animals, In the yard, In the woods … and also portraits for the book The Rulers of Czech lands and many more…). For this work I received several awards: Most beatiful book of the year, Most successful title of the year etc. This part of my artistic work was clearly guided by the needs and conditions of publishers, authors of text and documents. From 1998, a change occured in connection with spinal surgery. With a discovery of possibilities of pranic healing a path to free artistic work began to open. With interest in Zen meditation and the perception of inner experiences, this led me to begin free painting as a means of expression and communication. In parallel with this

my skills have developed – skills to depict images with a therapeutic focus through painting and symbols. Thus I’ve created 3 different sets of cards and books of mandalas, in which were implemented inspiring experiences of meditation journeys to sacred place in the Czech Republic, Ireland and England.

Also in recent years I continue painting, drawing inspiration from experiences of contemplation. I hope that i can combine my artistic interest with looking for healing support and deeper understanding of life’s problems and the possibility of deepening of my own spiritual journey.

Author’s introduction in exhibition of paintings in the gallery Vyšehrad 2013:

„When I look at my paintings with hindsight and look for the words to express what they mean to me in my life, the following crosses my mind: the adoption of a desire for perfection, for getting to the top, for resting in God and experiencing inner joy, this is also associated with the adoption what is limited, an imperfect form of expression – by painting with brush, through color and shape. I remind myseld of the feeling of gratitude every day, I give thanks for taking that first step – the decision to paint from internal stimuli – silent experiencing of the touch of God. I often come to the realization of the inner joy of the journey that I was discovering in the process of creation and painting.

In paintings from the year 2015 a need of change appeared in me, which manifested itself in larger relaxation in latitude of colors and in playfulness joined with childish happiness.

Contacts: cellphone: +420 777 088 074; e-mail: lockerova@centrum.cz